Friday, April 3, 2009

6th Period Off

In a school day there are eight periods, zero through seven. The normal school day consists of periods one through six. This trimester I am lucky enough to have my sixth period off. With this time to spare I go to the library and try to get as much as I can done. The problem is though, that often times I get distracted. On some occasions I get lots of homework done, that way I don’t have to do as much at home that night. Other, and most times I get off task and usually end up spending my time just lackadaisically doing homework.

With this time off, I go to the mostly quiet IMC. I am the most productive there. It is because I can’t get comfortable, I know that the librarians will get on my case if I’m not doing school work. At home, however, my body tells me to rest and relax. Many times I will do that instead of getting busy with my homework like I know I should.

Some of my friends also have sixth period off and I sit next to them while working. They sometimes ask for help with a certain project they are working on, like writing poems. Because I enjoy rhyming words of course I always agree to help. Those are the kinds of distractions that stop me from getting too much accomplished before school gets out.

I also have over the time of this trimester have planned out how to get down to the locker room at the exact right time. They open up the locker rooms at 2:35, so I leave at 2:30 every day and take my time to get down there. Most of the time I get there right before they open it up, then I am able to get ready for track as soon as I get there.

Recently, I have been blogging with the time I have. It helps me stay focused because my friends are still sitting at the table and with me typing away on the computer it takes a little more to get me sidetracked.

Sixth period off also provides for some interesting stories. One time upon scribbling my name on the sign-in sheet, my friends greet me and I say hello back. The librarian, for some reason, didn’t seem to like that too much and told us to not spend so much time being friendly and more time working. That didn’t help my efficiency because instead of working on homework, we kept on joking about how we are, from now on, going to act like we hate each other.

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