Saturday, May 23, 2009

Homework Stinks

Homework stinks so much. Here is my thought process about it.

Instead of sharing my day at school with my parents and siblings at the dinner table, I complain about all the homework that I have because it means that I have to do school outside of school. This consequently means that I get to spend less time doing what I love doing and more time doing what I hate doing. One thing I love doing is hanging out with my family, whether or not we are getting along at the time. We play cards or just talk, I love it all. Instead of doing that, I do homework, not because I am interested in what we are doing in class, but because I am required to.

I remember a time in my child hood when I loved homework. This was because I loved learning. When I was very young my sisters and I would play school. Yes that’s right learning was so fun to me that it was a game. I would do the mini math booklets with simple math problems and practice my penmanship writing down random letters.

Now school has twisted the fun that I used to have learning into a dislike. I still like learning about things. But it’s about things that I want to learn and not what the school wants me to learn. I like history and if I had the history channel I would watch it all the time. I like learning about my faith and why I believe what I believe that’s why I read “More Than a Carpenter.” I like learning about math because most of the time it makes since.

The other day a teacher was talking to me about how he doesn’t mix school with home and vice versa. He does all his grading at school and never has to take tests with him when he leaves because he makes time for it at school. He also says that if he has problems at home that doesn’t affect his attitude at school even though it may be on his mind. I then praised his practices because it seemed like the perfect argument for getting rid of homework. He told me that no one in his class should ever have homework because he gives them so much time to work on it in class.

I wish every teacher gave as much time towards the homework or just got rid of homework and relied on having their students learn in the classroom.

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