Friday, May 8, 2009


My dad has suggested that I get used to talking about myself because of interviews that I will eventually face. So I was asked "What are your strongest leadership skills and what are you doing to improve your weaker ones and how will you use your leadership skills to impact your future?" This is my response.

My strongest leadership qualities are my coaching-style and unifying abilities. My coaching-style of leadership enables me to encourage people within my group no matter the circumstances. It also helps me to lead by example. With my hard working example and encouragement, the group usually does a job well. As the middle child of my family, I have grown up being the peace maker most of the time. When fights would develop between my siblings, normally I was there to either point out how pointless their fight was or to separate them from each others grasp and then tell them how stupid it was to fight over that particular item or idea. My negotiating skills have taught me how to unite members of my team, because with them quarrelling it is 100 percent more difficult to complete the task.

One of my weaker leadership skills is the ability to refocus my group on the task. When something or someone diverts the attention away from the original reason of a meeting, then I usually get caught up in it as well. I am working to improve this weak skill by leading an accountability group. This way I am able to practice getting my group back on task when something distracts us from the point of the meeting.

The leadership skills that I have acquired and the ones I am currently developing will help me in the future no matter what professional field I decide to go into, from engineering to missions. I will have fine tuned my ability to unify a group. This will help in situations where I find there is a conflict between members of the team and I will be able to deal with it and overcome that obstacle because of my past experiences. In the future I will have developed the skill to keep my team on task, working productively and efficiently to complete the job without being distracted. When I am older and have a family, my productivity and efficiency will allow me to spend the maximum time possible with my wife and family. My coaching-style leadership will not only help me achieve in the work place by encouraging co-workers, but also at home. Leading by example and encouraging my children to work with me on chores and house projects; I can teach them invaluable lessons on leadership.

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