Friday, October 31, 2008

Know Who Your Voting For

After hearing this I was really discouraged and out right mad. I believe in the right to vote and that it is a privilege so when I heard this I was upset. Not being able to vote doesn't make me unconcerned with the election it will affect the next four years of my life and that includes a big portion of my college.

I really want what's best for this country and I believe together, we are able to make that decision. I believe this country can choose the man best fit for president to lead this country, but only if they are informed of what each candidate stands for and the plans and policies they would implement if president. These interviews clearly represent that a vast majority of the people who are planning to vote aren't informed of the issues that each candidate represents.

I believe that either of the candidates elected will become good presidents, but when it comes to their vice presidents choices. Well let's not get into that right now. I believe that they would both be good presidents because of McCain's experience and Obama's significant support group that even consists of other countries. Both would be able to achieve a lot within their candidacy and would frankly be a breath of fresh air, which our country desperately needs.

I feel that we are having this problem of ignorant voters because of all the hype that candidates try to create. Nothing against Obama, but I feel that many people are going out to vote for him only because he is black. Now on the other side I also feel that many shallow people are going to vote McCain only because of his selection of running mate and the fact that she is fairly attractive. The point is the candidates are being voted for, by ignorant citizens, not because of their policies, but for another reason, something that will have nothing to do with how successful they are as president.

For these reasons I am glad that we have the Electoral College select our next president and not popular vote. As delegate Gerry said in 1787 defending the Electoral College, "A popular election in this case is radically vicious. The ignorance of the people would put it in the power of one set of men..." This quote unfortunately is still relevant because shown by the video there are still many ignorant voters and I am therefore glad that we still are using the Electoral College.

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