Thursday, October 23, 2008

Walking into the Bathroom

It was freshmen year in high school and the day started out normal like any other day. In my first three hours of the day I could feel my bladder filling up and was wondering when I should make my move, to go to the bathroom. I figured I could make my way to the bathroom sometime during lunch. Lunch came and passed and I had forgot to go. I return to class only to realize that this is going to be a struggle to hold it in. I tried to get an opportunity when I might be able to ask the teacher to be excused to the bathroom, but it never came. We were doing activities the whole time, no time for a bathroom break.

My seat in the classroom was located the farthest away from the door. This factor and the teacher's rule of staying in your seats until the bell rings, was a disappointment because it only delayed me going to the restroom. When I finally exited the room, the hallway traffic was in full force as people shuffled closely together trying to reach their destinations. I started shuffling in the crowd only trying to go to the restroom, finally I arrived at the restroom. As I was entering though the oddest thing happened, some girls were walking out. I then realized that I was going into the wrong bathroom and immediately said "Oops," because that was my instant reaction to the situation. The most embarrassing part though, for me, was walking out back into the hallway full of students who really don't have anything better to look at then a guy walking out of the girls bathroom.

The experience, even though embarrassing, was a good lesson learned on checking the bathroom sign before entering. Too bad I didn't actually learn as another time that year, as a freshman, I walked in to the girls bathroom, but fortunately for me it was during class and I don't think anyone saw. After that near embarrassing moment though I have since learned the lesson of which to enter when wanting to go to the bathroom.

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