Friday, October 31, 2008

The Son of a Politician

As the son of a politician my view and life have changed compared to that of the average kid. My dad probably isn't viewed as a politician because he actually doesn't hold an office; however, he is running for county supervisor.

Lately its been affecting my life by the fact that when I have prior plans to do something such as do homework, hang out with friends, play video games or something like that, it will get interrupted. My father will need me and my brothers to do something for him or for when of his political friends. These tasks will vary from all the way to simply putting stamps on letters to go out for a couple of hours to drop literature concerning the election.

This extremely annoys me, more than it should in fact. The simple of act of sealing envelopes, placing stamps or stuffing letters with literature don't bother me if we do it briefly. If we do these thing for a long time we discover we would rather be doing literally anything else than the droning process that we are taking part in at the time.

When we go out and drop literature this also annoys, though far more than the other droning processes. For this activity you have to be on your toes because you never know when you might run into someone that's outside and then give the literature directly to them. When they are outside that is when the chances increase exponentially that there will be some negative response. That is the worst part of the whole experience of lit dropping as we call it.

Just recently I was lit dropping and was approaching the door to drop the papers in front of the door when I notice someone raking to the side of their house. So I go over to him and he takes out his ear phones and I explain to him what I was doing. He suddenly starts criticizing the people that I was handing literature for, saying that if he wanted to vote he would make an informed decision by researching the candidates.

These kinds of situations is what make me abhor even the idea of lit dropping. I guess that these kinds of situations help me with my people skills, but that's about it I'd say.

1 comment:

Cougar Hunter said...

I didn't know your dad was a politician, thats tight, you got my vote...well support.