Sunday, February 15, 2009

How We React

I was wondering how we reacted to certain events and I came across three theories. So I decided to research them and here are my thoughts.

I have come to this conclusion through past experiences that I have had. The first one confirming that the James-Lange theory is accurate in its assumption that we act before we think. One day I was playing football in a league that was only designed for passing. I was running my route when the quarter back threw the football my way. It was a little off course and I decided to dive for the ball. I ended up touching it, but not being able to catch it. I rolled once on the ground to gain control of my body and as I laid there about to get up, I punched the ground with my fist. I was angry that I hadn’t held on to the ball, but didn’t label it as anger until I was up on my feet again. I know now that I should have labeled it as anger and then thought about my actions before performing them because I ended up breaking my finger with the little intelligence I used.

I also believe in Schachter’s Cognitive theory of thinking and labeling an emotion and then acting on it because, like the first theory, I have experienced it. It happens many times during the day, because I have a couple classes with the same friend. Sometimes this friend annoys me, but it’s only joking around, but it still gets kind of annoying. I know that I am annoyed and have labeled it so, and in order to stop the annoying action that he is administering at the time I decide to inflict pain on him. It’s not serious, just like a smack in the chest or something like that, but it’s only temporary and he eventually begins to do it again. Then I will have to repeat what I did before. Because I label it and know what I am feeling at the time and then decide what to do from it I know that it represents the Cognitive theory in action.

Obviously the only one I haven’t mentioned is the only one I don’t think I’ve experienced. It is the Cannon-Bard theory, which says we label our emotion and act on it at the same time. This is why I think I haven’t experienced it. It is because I don’t think we can simultaneously perform actions, I think it may happen quickly, but one always has to take place before the other it seems. The gap between them may be incalculably small, but there still is an order to which things happen.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It Would Be Nice

In my five year plan, I would like to have picked out an enjoying career path that I will follow and be ready to dive right into it. I also want to not be too attached to my job so if God calls me to do something else I will be ready to leave it at any given moment in time. Within these five years it is my goal that wouldn’t stray away from my faith at all, that I would actually grow. I would also want to meet the person that I want to marry. In addition, it is my hope that throughout my college years I would have found a church that I regularly attended and was involved in their ministries.

It is important to me to have a career picked out and have a job to dive into after college because it provides a steady income. Everyone knows that with money comes power, some abuse what it is meant for, and that is helping people. There are direct and indirect ways of helping people. The obvious direct ways of helping is by donating to charities or giving money to or feeding the homeless. The indirect way is a lot easier and convenient, but not as meaningful or helpful to those who have less. This comes in the form mainly of shopping and the stirring of the economy so the effects are extremely mild. It’s important for me to have the ability to give up my job at any time, because if God has greater plans for me than who am I to tell him no that’s not what I want. Even though it might not be what I want, but I may think I know what is best for me, but can guarantee myself that my way is not the best way and that God’s is. It is also very necessary that I maintain and even grow in my faith. It’s necessary because actions speak louder than words and if I never go to parties and instead spend time reading the Bible or having Bible studies, people are going to begin to wonder. They might ask questions and then I’ll have the opportunity to share my faith with them.

I would have also liked to find someone that I possibly marry because like everyone else, I desire for that companionship. For me, finding a church to get involved in is important because that way I can grow in my faith and help others do the same. I believe it is important to get involved with ministries/missions while being there because I can’t think of a better way to show Christ’s love for everyone.

I will feel utterly amazed that I could accomplish so much. Amazed that I could decide on a career and stick with it, enjoying it along the way. Also I will be bewildered that I found a companion who genuinely cares for me and is willing to spend a lifetime with me. Relieved is the next emotion that will run through my veins because I used my time in college to be a witness to others. They will look at my actions and question why they drastically differ from those of others. I hope I can use this to talk about Jesus to them and explain what he has done for humanity.

Many obstacles that I will overcome while pursuing these goals will come from Satan and the sin nature within me. It will tell me in college to take care of only myself and that I can do it by myself without God. Screaming at me to do things I know I should not, like getting drunk at parties or not to go to church because I have too much homework or other non eternal matters. I will overcome them by recognizing their origin and what the negative impacts they would have if I succumbed to their pleas.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bloggy Doggy

Blogging, for me has become like a pet. A pet, however, that is graded. My blog is a dog that has some kind of super power, the power to stay alive when not being fed. At the beginning of my ownership I didn’t take good care of it, I fed it once a week at the most. It obviously survived despite that I didn’t feed because, like I said, it has a super power.

I really became serious about blogging when January came around and I saw that the lack of feeding my dog had contributed to giving me a poor grade in the class.

It was the summer time and my dog, Rosey, normally just lies around and does nothing really. I noticed that every time I opened the drawer where her leash is stored she flips out. She runs up wagging her tail begging for her to be taken on a walk, wanting to experience something besides the feel of the floor. The summer wasn’t particularly busy for me either, and so I decided to talk her on a run every once in a while. Even though we went around the block consistently, she still darted towards me, barking, whenever I opened the leash drawer.

That is how it is with my blog, whenever I start up the computer; my blog seems to be yelping at me. And just like the first couple times my dog ran over to me begging I decided to ignore her. When I chose to walk my dog, it didn’t become a chore to me anymore, it was actually somewhat enjoyable. That was where I messed up with the blogs. I perceived it as a chore and therefore wanted to avoid it at all costs. When January came along for one reason or another I subconsciously decided that blogging was not going to be a chore anymore.

Now that it isn’t that bad and even sometimes enjoyable to write about something you enjoy. No, my blog doesn’t have a theme to it; I’m all over the place with my topics. I think that is why I have stripped the title of “chore” that I had given it, away. Just like when I thought of walking my dog no longer as a chore, I no longer treated it like one. Even though blogging takes a little bit more thinking, it improves your writing skills, which walking your dog, does not.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Something to do

It’s hard to imagine, but I know it will come. You can’t stop time and neither can I. So the years will pass by and before I know it two years will have gone by since this post. I’ve talked with some “older” people in my youth group, they all say the same thing. “It was just like yesterday when I was in high school.” I know one day that will become me; I will face the same problem of not being able to stop or even slow time.

It is my goal that over the course of two years I will have given my all. In sports gone all out and been to the Drake Relays and state for track, hopefully placing in both. For some reason urgency has made me work harder than before. I was just a freshman just yesterday it seems, and I could have and should have worked harder than I did. Now that I’m older and because time is of the essence I push myself harder and more often. “Time is of the essence,” is a common phrase, maybe even clichéd, but how true it is. I should have realized when I was freshman that this time in high school is only going to last so long and that I need to give it my best all the time. In school gone all out and been a valedictorian. The drive to do well in school comes from the phrase “Discipline, or regret.” With this in my mind I try to imagine if I had C’s in all my classes and what affect it would have on my grade point average and class rank. It would close doors to scholarships that I would have previously been able to attain. I choose discipline; most of the time. Even when grades come though, there is regret and questioning. Could I have worked harder?

It is also my goal that through the hard work of my high school career that I would be accepted into a good college that will grant me scholarships for sports, academics or both. Also to be making new, genuine friends in this unfamiliar atmosphere that I will be in.

It’s important to me because we all learn things through experience. Even as a baby we learn through experience, I wouldn’t know what hot was in less I touched or felt something that was supposedly hot. With all the learning that can be done in a college experience I want to maximize it. I want to learn a lot to help and educate others, to make an impact on their life.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Academic Achievement hopefully

By the end of this year my hope is that I would be in the top 20 for my class of 2010 and get at least a 30 on the ACT test. Even though it is going to be very difficult, if do all my homework, study for all my tests thoroughly then I believe that I can accomplish and possibly exceed this far reaching goal.

This goal is important to me because it involves many aspects of academic challenges that would enhance my educational career. It will open up scholarships that weren’t available to me before because of my new improved class rank and grade point average, which will have to increase if I hope to improve my class rank. It is also important to me, because of the situation that I have been placed. As of right now, really my only option, because of money situations is the army, navy, or air force academies. I feel constricted at the moment, wanting to give other colleges a chance. If I at least get a 30 on my ACT test, I believe that colleges that I’m interested in will start contacting me and sending me pamphlets of information about their school.

When I achieve my goal, my first reaction will be to pat myself on the back, because I have put in a lot of work to get here. I will be surprised that I have actually made it here and also grateful. Grateful because I know without encouragement/pressure from my family and friends I know the journey would have been much more difficult. I will also be grateful and humbled that God has blessed and for some reason unknown let me achieve this goal through the gifts he gave me.

I recognize that in order to complete my goal that I must make sacrifices. Obviously I have to sacrifice some of my time that is normally spent sleeping, even though I already do this, I must cut even further into it. Another problem that I have that needs to end if this goal is to be reached is my trouble with transitioning from one activity to the next. Often times I will sluggishly go from one chore to the next such as when I eat, I frequently watch TV. When I am done eating, I continue to watch TV and waste time that I should be using to study or doing homework. Other times when I finish homework I will take a nap that was supposed to be for a couple minutes but turns into a couple hours, I got to get rid of that bad habit to accomplish this goal.

There are obstacles that will get in the way of me meeting my goal by the end of the year. Those obstacles are the leisurely activities that so easily entice me, watching TV, playing video games, watching movies, playing computer games and the napping. By focusing on my goal and the realization that my family doesn’t have enough money to pay for my college education will help be attain my goal.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Personal goal

When the end of the school year arrives I would have liked if these goals of mine were to be accomplished. My first is to go to state for track for the 800 meter race, whether it be by relay or open. Also my goal is to have my time for the 800 meter race to be my personal best, hopefully under two minutes. I would have also liked to be in the best shape of my life both physically and mentally.

This goal is important to me because of my family’s position on the economic ladder. My parents will not be able to pay for my college and if I do well in track then my opportunities for a college experience, outside serving in the military, increase dramatically. It is also important to me because through this one goal, I will have built characteristics that will help me succeed much later in life. I will have gained much self discipline, by forcing myself to run and stay active when I don’t feel like doing so. Years down the road when my metabolism begins to slow, I am confident that this built up self discipline and mental toughness will help me maintain my weight. The attributes that I posses can be traced back to when I first started training.

When I achieve my goals I will feel that I have accomplished something to be proud of, and definitely humbled. Humbled by the fact that God would have blessed me with the ability to run the way I do, to train with intensity. He created me after all and gave me the talent to run, so what can I brag about if all I have was given to me.

In order to obtain this goal I must sacrifice many things in my every day life. I will have to begin to eat for track, such as more potassium in my diet. This means for me less cake, pie, ice cream and more bananas and assorted fruits. Obviously, I will sacrifice and expend a lot more energy throughout the day and that means being more tired while I’m awake. I will be drowsy in the day because of my exhausting workouts, but will have to maintain my focus in class. Sacrificing many of these things will be important, but I must get rid of the time wasters of my life. Primarily playing video games and watching TV are things that I must sacrifice to attain my goal. These activities just take up too much of my time, and if I want to truly succeed, they must go.

The only obstacle in my way is me. That’s right, me. It’s the tiny voice inside me that calls me to relax to take it easy. It beckons to me, yodeling to the Swiss part of my laziness. But I must become deaf to that part of me.