Saturday, February 14, 2009

It Would Be Nice

In my five year plan, I would like to have picked out an enjoying career path that I will follow and be ready to dive right into it. I also want to not be too attached to my job so if God calls me to do something else I will be ready to leave it at any given moment in time. Within these five years it is my goal that wouldn’t stray away from my faith at all, that I would actually grow. I would also want to meet the person that I want to marry. In addition, it is my hope that throughout my college years I would have found a church that I regularly attended and was involved in their ministries.

It is important to me to have a career picked out and have a job to dive into after college because it provides a steady income. Everyone knows that with money comes power, some abuse what it is meant for, and that is helping people. There are direct and indirect ways of helping people. The obvious direct ways of helping is by donating to charities or giving money to or feeding the homeless. The indirect way is a lot easier and convenient, but not as meaningful or helpful to those who have less. This comes in the form mainly of shopping and the stirring of the economy so the effects are extremely mild. It’s important for me to have the ability to give up my job at any time, because if God has greater plans for me than who am I to tell him no that’s not what I want. Even though it might not be what I want, but I may think I know what is best for me, but can guarantee myself that my way is not the best way and that God’s is. It is also very necessary that I maintain and even grow in my faith. It’s necessary because actions speak louder than words and if I never go to parties and instead spend time reading the Bible or having Bible studies, people are going to begin to wonder. They might ask questions and then I’ll have the opportunity to share my faith with them.

I would have also liked to find someone that I possibly marry because like everyone else, I desire for that companionship. For me, finding a church to get involved in is important because that way I can grow in my faith and help others do the same. I believe it is important to get involved with ministries/missions while being there because I can’t think of a better way to show Christ’s love for everyone.

I will feel utterly amazed that I could accomplish so much. Amazed that I could decide on a career and stick with it, enjoying it along the way. Also I will be bewildered that I found a companion who genuinely cares for me and is willing to spend a lifetime with me. Relieved is the next emotion that will run through my veins because I used my time in college to be a witness to others. They will look at my actions and question why they drastically differ from those of others. I hope I can use this to talk about Jesus to them and explain what he has done for humanity.

Many obstacles that I will overcome while pursuing these goals will come from Satan and the sin nature within me. It will tell me in college to take care of only myself and that I can do it by myself without God. Screaming at me to do things I know I should not, like getting drunk at parties or not to go to church because I have too much homework or other non eternal matters. I will overcome them by recognizing their origin and what the negative impacts they would have if I succumbed to their pleas.

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