Saturday, January 17, 2009

Boring Snow Days

A snow day always sounds good, while sitting in class. However, when I consider the consequences of it, I reevaluate my liking of them. We had snow days on Wednesday the January 14th through the 16th, essentially a five day weekend. When you read this you are probably thinking “Oh, he is going to talk about how much fun he had during those days.” Actually it is quite the contrary.

My sister (who is attending college at the time) decided to go and visit one of her sorority sisters between her semesters. She is currently mentoring her friend and has made a commitment in investing a lot of time in her, to help her succeed. Unfortunately for me, my parents allowed her to take the car I was using at the time. Even worse for me though, was that her friend lived in Michigan and she would be gone for a week.

I was fine with the situation, because the car was going to come under my control (for the most part) when she returned, which wasn’t that long. I was patiently awaiting my sister’s return throughout the week and was glad when Friday morning came. I was to get my car back that day, not sure when, I just knew that my sister was coming home that day. I came home after a football workout and was told by my mom that she had been in an accident.

My first question to her was about my sister’s safety and after she confirmed that she was safe she defended my sister by explaining to me that it wasn’t her fault and described the situation to me. She then told me that she was on her way home being driven by her friend’s dad. I asked about the car and she told me sadly that it was not looking so good and it was still in Michigan and she wasn’t sure how we were going to get it back. There was a possibility that it was totaled, but we didn’t know at the time.

The next week we didn’t have one full day of school and unfortunately I was stuck home on the last three days of that week because I was without a car. The first day I was extremely lazy and promised to myself I would be more productive the next day if it was a snow day. It was and I used my time a little bit more wisely, but it was a close call. I disliked those snow days and wished there had been school, so I could have been spared of boredom.

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