Friday, January 23, 2009

I Hate Winter

I look outside and I see about a foot of snow on the yards that were full of green grass not that long ago. Don’t get me wrong I like the winter, but only because of the things that come with it. I like the holidays that come and the time that we are able to get away from school and spend with friends and family. Even though I may have homework over break, Christmas is still a time to cherish in the year. Also an aspect that I delight in when winter comes around is the days when the pure snow is on the ground and the temperature begins to rise making the white snow fit for making snow men and even better snow balls to throw towards your younger brother’s face. Other than that the winter is just not that great of a time in the year.

The winter is a time when the trees look like they should be in a scary movie, because they had shed their leaves. The roads are bad and car accidents became more frequent and more deadly. Travel is terrible in a snow storm or the roads are icy and you aren’t allowed to go anywhere, or worse, often times you are on your way home from a family get together a ways from home. While traveling home you run into a storm or bad roads, you were going 60 before to be cautious, now you are going 20, it’s terrible. What usually is a 30 minute drive turns into a couple hours long drive.

Another aspect of winter that I used to like, are the snow days. I have come to dislike these days off of school, for a couple reasons. For a snow day means that you have to make that day up at the end of the year. The worse thing about it though is that you are happy about it when it happens, but when June rolls around and the summer that was yours is being taken away from you, it is horrible. Even though it is outside our control we wish that we didn’t have those snow days. Another thing that I dislike about snow days is that often times your parents will not let you go and do stuff with friends because if its too dangerous for schools to be in sessions then it is also too dangerous for you to go and hang out with your buddies.

This is why winter is poopy.

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