Saturday, January 3, 2009

Difficult Christmas Presents

Every Christmas each person in my family gives two gifts. In order to determine who we will give these gifts to we draw names out of a hat. The first person’s name we draw is the person we buy a present for and the next is the one we make a present for.

This year I was given a make present, as they are called, that my sister would paint my room (which was pink with unicorn wallpaper because it was her room when she lived here). This gift, however, takes a lot of effort, obviously unlike other Christmas presents. Most Christmas presents you reap the enjoyment of it right after ripping it from its cage of wrapping paper. Christmas passes and I start to slightly begin to prepare my room to be painted, while my sister is still home from college. Unfortunately this present means that I will have to sacrifice some of my time to help my sister give this present to me.

I realized how sacrificing it would be one night when I wanted to go and hang out with some friends and she confronted my saying that she wanted to work in the room that night. I ended up going after she played the devil’s advocate and exclaimed that after all, it was a gift from her and shouldn’t require that much work from me. Regrettably that was the last time I escaped from the work that needed to be done. The painting was mostly done on that Sunday and I really believed that we were going to finish the project within a couple days, so I could move back into my room. It still isn’t finished today and let me tell you, I have gone into my room a number of times to do an odd job, such as looking for my bag pack. Also I have gone there a number of times to drop my stuff when I arrive home only to be denied of the space that I used call my own, but its floors are covered in towels to prevent the falling drops of paint from staining the room.

I am currently sleeping in the basement and enjoy it for its chilliness, because I love to sleep in the cold. Unfortunately though, it is a hassle to make the trip up and down our flight of stairs for little things that I have left down in my current quarters. However aggravating these nuisances may be I am still very glad my room is being painted, because that pink was really really pink.

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